About Schools Count
Schools Count Incorporated is a burgeoning nonprofit organization, the purpose of which is to expand data literacy among school teachers so that they can take control of their own data destiny in order to improve teaching and learning for their students.
The next steps are:
- Develop course content based on teacher feedback and teacher needs.
- Build a strong organization with a diverse and committed board of volunteer directors.
- Apply for federal and state tax exemption.
- Seek public and private grants to go into schools and help establish data teams.

Sean Parker
Schools Count Incorporated
Teacher, Founder and CEO
"I dedicate my work on Schools Count to Lucy Cooper, who had always wanted to learn chemistry and realized that 88-years-old was not too late to begin. May we never stop learning."—Sean
- Nonprofit CEO, Founder and Teacher, 2012 to Present
Schools Count Incorporated- Make a dream a reality.
Data Team Consulting, 2007 to Present
- Work with teams of teachers to define and understand the racial/ethnic and socio-economic achievement gaps in their school.
- Work with teams of teachers to help identify students at risk of failing high-stakes assessments based on prior scores, demographics, and current grades.
- Work with teams of teachers to evaluate educational interventions to support at-risk students.
- Work with teams of teachers to review and assess curricula.
Statistical Consulting, 2007 to Present
- Evaluate educational and psychological interventions.
- Support doctoral candidates planning, researching and writing their dissertations.
- Conduct training sessions in statistical software.
Lecturer, Tufts University, 2008 to 2013
- Designed and taught Introductory Data Analysis.
- Designed and taught Intermediate Data Analysis.
- Consulted and workshoped for individual projects.
Teaching Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2007 to 2009
- Assisted Dan Koretz' Understanding Today's Educational Testing.
- Assisted Terry Tivnan's Empirical Methods: Introduction to Statistics for Research.
- Assisted Judy Singer's Intermediate Statistics: Applied Regression and Data Analysis.
- Assisted Dan Koretz' Methods of Educational Measurement.
Teacher, Department of Youth Services, Summers 2006, 2007, 2008
Forestry Camp, Brewster, Massachusetts- Team-taught juvenile offenders in a one-room school house.
Teacher, Ninth-Grade English, 2001 to 2004
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School, South Yarmouth, Massachusetts- Worked within a team of four teachers, a counselor, and a principal.
- Researched and taught success on the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System.
- Created a grant-funded 9th-Grade to 5th-Grade Shakespeare Connection--Romeo and Juliet.
- Judged for Destination ImagiNation, an International Creative-Thinking Contest.
- Certified in Massachusetts for English 9-12, Certificate #367225.
Substitute Teacher, 1998 to 2005
Various Stints in Bourne, Massachusetts and Santa Fe, New Mexico- Subbed from K to 12, from autistic to gifted, from inner-city to suburban classes.
Guidance Intern, 1996 to 1997
Sullivan Middle School, Worcester, Massachusetts- Tutored and counseled troubled students referred by the guidance department.
- Collected and analyzed qualitative and quantitative data for the Worcester Juvenile Court in order to assess its pilot School-Based Probation Program.
Doctor of Education in Human Development and Education, In Progress
Master of Education, June 2006
(Researching Statistical Consulting for Data Teams)
Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Data-Analytic Coursework:- S-010 Answering Questions with Quantitative Data
- S-030 Intermediate Statistics: Applied Regression and Data Analysis
- S-710 Participant Observation in Context
- S-052 Applied Data Analysis
- T-800 Research and Evidence: Framing Scientific Research for Public Understanding
- A-205 Microeconomics: A Policy Tool for Educators
- S-061 Methods of Educational Measurement
- S-290 Quantitative Methods for Improving Causal Inference in Educational Research
- S-077 Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis
- Stat135 Statistical Computing Software
- Stat149 Statistical Sleuthing through Generalized Linear Models
- S-413 Doctoral Research Practicum: Using Quantitative Methods to Make Causal Inferences about the Consequences of Educational Initiatives and Policies
Master of Arts in Liberal Arts, June 2004
(Math & Science, Politics & Society, Philosophy & Theology, and Literature)
St. John's College, Santa Fe, New Mexico -
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Philosophy, June 1998
Summa Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
(Certificates in School Psychology and Human Services)
Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
Note: This site was adapted by Sean from a Free CSS Templates design.